Sunday, March 15, 2015

Test Post...Been awhile since I have been on the blog.

Friday, March 23, 2012

2012 Cycling Season is Here!

Dust off your roadie gear and bicycle. Time to get out there and start riding.

Stay tuned for ride information and updates, especially Ronald McDonald House Charities of Metro St. Louis Charity training ride information.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cycling in Missouri - St. Charles County Cycling Bill Introduction

St. Charles County is looking to ban cyclists from certain roads.

St. Charles County Council website:
Bills for introduction are on the agenda for Monday, July 12, 2010. Bill No. 3620 - Prohibit bicycles on HWY DD, D, F, Z & 94 from HWY 40 to County Line until shoulders or bicycle lanes are in place.
Bill sponsor is Mr. Joe Brazil (District 2). Contact information is:
636-399-2975 or

No idea if bicycle lanes or shoulders are planned in the near term or long term. The language is creative and does allow for the ban to be lifted if bicycle lanes or shoulders are in the works but no idea if that is the case and given budgets and economics, it isn't likely a priority, if it is even on the agenda at all for the future.

The real concern is that this may set a new precedent. Tour of Missouri gone, banning main thoroughfares, etc. What's next? Cyclists are taxpayers too.

See the Momentum Cycles website as well for a brief article:

Refer to Missouri Revised Statutes. Specifically, see Title XIX related to Motor Vehicles, etc.

Contact information above if you feel compelled to send a quick note to Mr. Brazil.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colorado Triple Bypass 2010

For those of you familiar with the Colorado Triple Bypass, you know that registration for the 2010 ride was on January 13, 2010. For those who tried to register, many did not succeed. The event is limited to 3000 participants and it sold out in less than one hour this year (rumored to have taken 33 minutes to fill up).

If you know of anyone who was able to register and is not going to ride, please send me an email at Have several riders interested in picking up available slots should someone not be able to go and use their slot. Alternatively, also let me know if you know of riders looking for slots.

Visit for information on the Triple Bypass.

For those who aren't familiar with the Triple Bypass, see the following link for the 2009 Triple Bypass start line video (9:27 minutes in length) :
In this video from 2009, you can see the Affton Terminal Services Team from St. Louis from the 5:27 minute mark to the 5:32 minute mark.

Hope to see folks getting out on the cycles soon!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Hoppe Park and Watershed Nature Center, Edwardsville, Illinois

Click on a picture for full screen picture view. Five pictures total.

Pic #1: MCT Watershed bike trail with Hoppe Park to the left (looking Eastward on trail). Ball fields and Hoppe Park parking lot to the left (just out of view).

Pic # 2: MCT Watershed bike trail (looking Eastward) with Hoppe Park parking lot and ball fields to the left.

Pic # 3: Looking North across MCT Watershed bike trail to Hoppe Park parking lot and ball fields. Picture shows snow on ball field in center of picture (that is not a pool or water).

Pic #4: Looking across Hoppe Park parking lot at rest room facilities.

Pic #5: Watershed Nature Center parking lot and rest room facilities in the distance (center of picture). Picnic shelter can be seen at the fare left of the picture.

Sunday, December 27, 2009